Monday, March 26, 2007

Sorry about being late

Sorry about being late... I will not write from the first story but i will write the story of today's episode

''My Homey Omi''. When the four monks go to New York to find a mysterious Shen Gong Wu called the serpents tail, they say it will be easy but according to what Dojo said, this Shen Gong Wu never stops and goes through solid objects. When Omi spots the Serpents tail with the falcons eye, he runs so fast that the others can't catch up, in the end they lost track of omi. When Omi follows the Shen Gong Wu, he bangs into a brick wall. When he woke up, he couldn't find his friends and started looking for the Shen Gong Wu but he lost the Shen Gong Wu and his friends.When he was walking through the streets he saw a few kids playing basketball(not knowing what it was) he wanted to joined them but instead almost got a beating. luckily a boy named Jermaine stopped them before Omi got beaten, because of Jermaine's action's, they both almost got a beating. Luckily Omi stopped it from happening. While Omi and Jermaine were geting to know each other better, Kimiko, Raimundo and Clay were looking for the serpents tail Wu Ya and Jack were following the serpents tail in jack's new transforming bot. Kimiko asked if Dojo if he can do anything about it, Dojo turned into a train and followed jack spicer. When Omi asked Jermaine to help him look for the Shen Gong Wu, He said it would be strange looking, then Jermaine said this is New York strange here is normal, suddenly they saw the serpents tail and Jack Spicer. After a ll the four monks meet up they try to get the serpents tail, untill Omi and Jack Spicer called for a Xiaolin Showdown Basketball 11 minutes on the clock and Omi called in for a Shen Yi Bu Dare, Omi and Jermaine while Jack enters with his transforming bot in the end the monks win. Before they leave, Omi suggest that Jermaine follow them to the xiaolin temple. but Jermaine declines his offer and say New York is his home but he will always be with Omi. After that they say their farewell.

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About Me

My name is Arikausash (not my real name) i love xiaolin showdown, it's the best show i've ever watched. Please leave comments