Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Royal Rumble Two weeks, four days, and six hours have passed since the last Shen Gong Wu was discovered. Omi and the gang are bored. Trying to work together in an objective Raimundo , Clay , And Kimiko are getting in a fight. And since Omi is calming them down they (Clay) say they are tired of Omi`s " Goodie Good Behavior ". Elsewhere, Jack Spicer is getting upset with Wuya. Suddenly, Dojo and Wuya sense that four Shen Gong Wu have all activated at the same time. They decide to split up and look for them. Wuya hires Katnappe, Tubbimura and the Chameleon Bot to help collect the Shen Gong Wu. Jack says that they cannot help. Wuya then reveals her plan to get rid of The Chosen Ones.
To find the Shen Gong Wu, Kimiko goes to the swamp, Raimundo to the beach, Clay to the Arctic and Omi to the desert. Soon Jack and his minions face off against the Xiaolin Warriors, and begin four Xiaolin Showdowns.
Everything is going well, until everyone except Omi loses his or her showdowns. After discovering that his friends have been kidnapped, Omi infiltrates Jack's home. It is a trap and Omi fights against Jack and his gang. When he is pinned down, he activates the Sun Chi Lantern. Omi then combines his chi with his friends' chi, and then uses Kimiko's, Raimundo's and Clay's abilities to fight and defeats Jack and his minions.
All four escape with the Serpent's Tail, The Longi Kite, The Tongue of Saiping, The Orb of Tornami, and The Sun Chi Lantern. After their hard work, Omi and the gang are able to do the rock climbing challenge.

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About Me

My name is Arikausash (not my real name) i love xiaolin showdown, it's the best show i've ever watched. Please leave comments