Friday, May 18, 2007


My favourite part of xiaolin showdown is about Raimundo and Kimiko, i really think they should be together. Alot of videos have convinced me, especially hey kimiko (hey juliet) from youtube. My favourite song from the video is kiss the girl (Ashley Tisdale) I suggest you go to One more thing, my favourite episode about RaiKim is DreamStalker, abit of info : With the Shadow of Fear and Sapphire Dragon, Hannibal Bean enters Raimundo's mind to bring out his worst fear and use it against the monks. While they are busy fighting his fear, Bean puts his plan into motion to try and slowly break down Raimundo.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

xiaolin RaiKim Vid

I'm a total RaiKim fan it will take few minutes to load, but i hope you like it

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The episode starts with the Xiaolin monks fighting and beating Jack Spicer's new robots, the Cheer-bots. Then a meteor comes and hits the temple grounds, revealing a message from old Omi. He says that evil has taken over and that the only way to stop it is with the Sands of Time.
After Jack goes, Omi and gang are told by Master Fung that the Sands of Time is a Shen Gong Wu that allows the user to travel in time. Therefore, Omi and company fly around the world searching and see a pyramid with the title "Sands of Time". It then cuts to Jack and Wuya and she senses the Sands of Time. Dojo then senses the Sands of Time but cannot fly so they take a jet plane. After the plane they arrive back at the temple, but when they enter they see Jack Spicer with the Shen Gong Wu (it was hidden in the temple). Jack goes to his home and he praises himself and uses the Sands of Time. He arrives at the dinosaur era and realizes he went too far back and travels in time collecting the strongest baddies. After the Xiaolin Warriors leave, Jack comes back presenting to Wuya old Jack (very old Jack). Dojo and co are flying and he lands with where the new Shen Gong Wu, the Sweet Baby Among Us, should have been. They see a card from Jack and wonder why he was there so fast. They see him with old Jack and listen to their conversation and find out they have to get the Ruby of Ramses. Dojo says he saw it in the Sands of Time theater and they fly back to Egypt. The director gets angry with them, Jack comes, and they start fighting. Omi runs off using the Shroud of Shadows and takes the Sands of Time. He and old Omi arrive and touch the Ruby of Ramses at the same time as the Jacks, starting a Xiaolin Showdown Tsunami. The Omis wager the Third-Arm Sash and Thorn of Thunderbolt against the Mantis Flip Coin and Monkey Staff. First to get to the top of the pyramid maze wins.
In the first level, everyone is lost until Jack sees the entrance to the next level. He tries to fly there with his Heli-Bot but fails. The Omis see the Jacks going to the next level and run for the platform, but the ground starts to collapse. Old Omi starts to fall, but Omi catches him with the Third-Arm Sash. In the next level, both teams reach the platform at the same time and start fighting. Old Omi uses the Thorn of Thunderbolt to blast the two Jacks out of the maze. Omi and old Omi reach the top first and win the showdown.
They arrive in the temple and say good-bye to old Omi and the episode ends with Omi saying he knows where old Omi would have hid it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

sry for not writing for a weeks, i had to prepare for assessment.... so in my blog i will write a bit about whats happening in my school (which will be very WHACK). ok back to xiaolin showdown , today's episode is called enter the dragon (it's obvious its about dojo). i also want to add something i have a friend who is called Carmen and she is very tallented, she can sing very very well.

Dojo's craving for Shen Gong Wu reaches the breaking point, which causes chaos for everybody. It happens every 1500 years, and Dojo must be locked in a cage for 24 hours to calm down. However, when the other monks travel to retrieve the Tunnel Armadillo, Dojo tricks Omi and gets loose. Growing large and growing a second head, Dojo escapes.
Wuya senses that Dojo is loose: it will cause the end of the world. Dojo interrupts Jack and Wuya's search for the Ju-Ju Flytrap and devours both of them. He then travels to the temple, eating most of the Wu and all the monks.
Inside Dojo's stomach, Omi escapes with a combination of the Reversing Mirror and Changing Chopsticks, and escapes through a sweat gland on Dojo's nose. Returning to normal size just as Dojo is preparing to devour the newly revealed Silk Spitter. Omi grabs it at the same time and it is time for a Xiaolin Showdown.
The game is 'Who can capture who first', Dojo's Fist of Tebigong vs. Omi's Changing Chopsticks. Dojo chases Omi through a valley, Omi just about avoiding being eaten. Dojo corners Omi and lunges at him. Dojo then gets crammed into an invisible cage. Omi pulls the Shroud of Shadows off the cage. He shrinks it with the Chopsticks, and Dojo is defeated.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

We start the episode at Jack's house, where he is fiddling about with a spreadsheet he has made to keep track of everyone's Shen Gong Wu. Wuya once again gets angry at him for not taking the search for the Shen Gong Wu more seriously, but is interrupted by the emergence of a new Shen Gong Wu: the Heart of Jong.

The Xiaolin Warriors arrive at a forest. After being attacked by a squirrel, Omi finds the Heart of Jong, but Jack manages to grab it from him. Jack tries to escape, but is prevented from doing so by Clay, and a Xiaolin Showdown follows.

In keeping with the forest's environment, (and its many squirrels) Omi challenges Jack to an acorn collecting competition; whoever can collect the most acorns before the time runs out will win the Heart of Jong. Omi chooses to use the Jetbootsu, and does well at first, while Jack uses the Lotus Twister to stretch his arms. Jack, however, wins the showdown, and now has the Jetbootsu and the Heart of Jong to add to his section on his spreadsheet.

Later, Omi is depressed because of his loss. Master Fung told him that losing one Shen Gong Wu is not the end of the world. Then Master Fung becomes scared (mentioning it is the end of the world) when he realizes that Wuya now has the Heart of Jong because he knows what Wuya is planning to do with it. With the Shen Gong Wu in her possession, Wuya can now use the Heart of Jong to bring an ancient fearsome warrior to life - Mala Mala Jong.

In Jack's lab, laid out flat on a table, are the various Shen Gong Wu that make up Mala Mala Jong. There is the Two Ton Tunic for the body, the Fist of Tebigong and the Third-Arm Sash for arms, and the Shroud of Shadows acts as a cloak/cape. Jack adds the Helmet of Jong, the Eye of Dashi and the Jetbootsu, and then finally the Heart of Jong. The Heart of Jong brings the warrior to life. Wuya decides that she does not need Jack anymore, so she leaves him, and heads directly for the Xiaolin Temple with Mala Mala Jong.

Meanwhile, high atop a mountain, the Xiaolin Warriors are trying to come up with a plan to stop Mala Mala Jong. They realize that somehow the Heart of Jong is the key to defeating him. If they remove it, he will turn back into the original Shen Gong Wu that he was made of. The problem is: how can they remove it? Clay suggests using the Serpent's Tail to go through the armor of the Two Ton Tunic, but Kimiko rebuttals this, saying that even with the Serpent's Tail, they will not be able to avoid the lightning blasts from the Eye of Dashi. Omi turns to ask Raimundo for some ideas - before realizing that the Brazilian is gone. The Sword of the Storm is missing, too.

Mala Mala Jong attacks, and Raimundo counters with the Sword of the Storm. The tornado has no effect, however, and Mala Mala Jong takes the Sword from Raimundo, before blasting him with lightning. Wuya asks Raimundo where the others are hiding. Raimundo refuses to tell her anything, so she shrinks in size and goes inside Raimundo's mind, extracting the information she needs. The remaining Chosen Ones are on Mount Hong.

On Mount Hong, Omi has a plan to use the Serpent's Tail to retrieve the Golden Tiger Claws from the Earth's core. Using the Tiger Claws, he will be able to remove the Heart of Jong. Mala Mala Jong is then seen down below, so Omi uses the Serpent's Tail to look for the Tiger Claws, traveling underground. Clay and Kimiko try to stop Mala Mala Jong using the Tongue of Saiping, the Orb of Tornami, the Monkey Staff, and the Star Hanabi, but they too are defeated. Omi, who finally gets a chance to actually use the Tiger Claws by removing the Heart of Jong, saves them at the last minute. Mala Mala Jong reverts to being the regular Shen Gong Wu, while Wuya floats away in defeat.

Later, because of their bravery, Clay, Kimiko and Omi are each given sashes to show that they are now Xiaolin Apprentices. However, Raimundo does not receive one because of his reckless disobedience. Raimundo storms out of the temple angrily, wishing he had stayed in Brazil, while a scheming Wuya watches on.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Royal Rumble Two weeks, four days, and six hours have passed since the last Shen Gong Wu was discovered. Omi and the gang are bored. Trying to work together in an objective Raimundo , Clay , And Kimiko are getting in a fight. And since Omi is calming them down they (Clay) say they are tired of Omi`s " Goodie Good Behavior ". Elsewhere, Jack Spicer is getting upset with Wuya. Suddenly, Dojo and Wuya sense that four Shen Gong Wu have all activated at the same time. They decide to split up and look for them. Wuya hires Katnappe, Tubbimura and the Chameleon Bot to help collect the Shen Gong Wu. Jack says that they cannot help. Wuya then reveals her plan to get rid of The Chosen Ones.
To find the Shen Gong Wu, Kimiko goes to the swamp, Raimundo to the beach, Clay to the Arctic and Omi to the desert. Soon Jack and his minions face off against the Xiaolin Warriors, and begin four Xiaolin Showdowns.
Everything is going well, until everyone except Omi loses his or her showdowns. After discovering that his friends have been kidnapped, Omi infiltrates Jack's home. It is a trap and Omi fights against Jack and his gang. When he is pinned down, he activates the Sun Chi Lantern. Omi then combines his chi with his friends' chi, and then uses Kimiko's, Raimundo's and Clay's abilities to fight and defeats Jack and his minions.
All four escape with the Serpent's Tail, The Longi Kite, The Tongue of Saiping, The Orb of Tornami, and The Sun Chi Lantern. After their hard work, Omi and the gang are able to do the rock climbing challenge.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Big As Texas

hIt began when Raimundo and Omi poured milk into clay's hat, Omi asks why are they doing this. Rai said that they have to make sure that it can hold ten gallons of milk. When Clay finds out what Raimundo had tried to do, he chased him all around the room. Suddenly he is interrupted by Master Fung, who says they have a visitor. When Clay look he realised that it was his father asking him to return home to Texas, suddenly Dojo came out running saying that a new Shen Gong Wu has reavealed itself. He also comments that it looks familiar. Clay suggested that his father comes along so he can prove why he has to stay in the xiaolin temple. After they had a humiliating deafeat, Clay went home with his father.

Back at the temple, the dragons miss clay and Omi tries to imitate one of Clay's metaphors.Then Dojo realised why the star with Clay's father was familiar because It was the star of Hanabi, A Shen Gong Wu. The next day, they went to Clay's ranch on Dojo. After they land, they ask if they could have the star, tells them that if they want his star, which is a family heirloom, they will have to prove themselves worthy, and they can start by waking up at dawn. The next morning, the gang is up and running, well, not Raimundo. Omi is excited to milk a cow, and Clay remembers that they have one cow, Old Bessie, that is used for dairy and lets Omi try milking her. Clay's father says that their first task is to take the cattle herd to the river for a drink. It does not take much effort, but Clay says that his father will not impress that easily. When Dojo wakes up, he hears rattling sounds and asks if those are maracas. A girl rattlesnake wraps herself around him, rubs her head against his neck, moves her tail around him and in front of him, and shakes her tail at him. Meanwhile, Omi tries to milk the cow, but he ends up being kicked onto the wind farm, into the chicken coop, inside the slop trough, and back to his friends. Jack Spicer comes by to claim the star, and uses the Orb to do so. Clay's dad underestimates Jack and his bots, and ends up being tied up. His star falls off, and sinks to the bottom of the flood. Jack and Clay grab it at the same time, so they get ready for a Xiaolin Showdown!Clay used the Serpents Tail and Jack used the Sword Of The Storm. In the end Clay Victorious and
Jack Deafeated. In the end Clay's dad lets him stay.

About Me

My name is Arikausash (not my real name) i love xiaolin showdown, it's the best show i've ever watched. Please leave comments